Sounds: Camera Warning

Sounds: Camera Warning

My favourite sound on Akiniscope, mainly because it comes from such an unexpected source, is the camera warning sound. It sounds like this: It is a soap dispenser in the Nottingham Playhouse toilets. Luckily I was working there when I discovered it, so had the 

Sounds: Camera photographing

Sounds: Camera photographing

I was doing some welding for someone, and, after a couple of weeks, I realised the sound of welding may work for Akiniscope. So, I recorded it, chopped it up into start middle and end sounds, and used those as the sounds of the camera 

Sounds: Mains Hum

Sounds: Mains Hum

I’d been trying to find the right mains hum for a while. Synthesised versions didn’t have enough variation in them: they were too perfect. But, experimenting made me think what I did want. While practicing juggling (I am a very, very bad juggler), one of 

Design: Sounds

Design: Sounds

I want Akiniscope to hum, click and whir, like all sorts of gizmos are working inside. But subtly, so you only realise, once close, I don’t want it to dominate a space it’s shown in. Having worked in an Arts centre, I don’t want it